James had only previously fought against an extremely powerful cultivator in the Cursed World when his strength erupted.

He lacked experience fighting extremely powerful cultivators. Due to his carelessness, his body was struck and fell from the sky, landing hard on the ground.

However, that was about it.

His physical body was unique. In the entire Sanctuary of Darkness, only a handful of individuals were able to break his physical body’s defenses and harm him.

He climbed up from the ruins on the ground, reached out, and patted away the layer of dust on his body.


During this time, an unrivaled Sword Energy descended from the sky.


Sword Energy instantly destroyed the area where James was.

A deep pit of a million kilometers in circumference appeared on the ground.

James was in a sorry sight as he dragged himself out of the deep pit on the ground. The current him appeared disheveled.

“You’ve angered me!” James roared.

Crepe Myrtle Divine Sword. At this moment, a powerful Sword Intent

the Crepe Myrtle Divine Sword, this Sword Intent became extremely terrifying. Though the

Sword, James headed straight

the Grand Emperor, they saw James charging at them carrying the sword. James did not use any Sword Moves, but in

technique was an unrivaled sword


was shocked. They

already arrived

moment, this Grand Emperor broke out of their trance. A


hand immediately snapped from the

terrifying Sword Path Energy directly struck this Grand

their body, and their body was immediately sent flying. Sword Energy thrashed around in

However, that was all.

was powerful and his swordsmanship was terrifying, he was only at the first Consolidation. He could not annihilate a cultivator at the Grand Emperor

backward. When they were moving backward, they used their strength, and their

Path Seal. The wounds on their body could heal quickly, but

“So troublesome.”

Grand Emperor had a

arrived once again. He continued to attack

was struck with a blade. Within a short amount of time, their body was struck with thousands

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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