Nico began to share some of the rumors he knew. However, he was unsure if the rumors he heard were reliable.

He knew the form of the Water Genesis was a spring. However, he had no idea what exactly it looked like.


James rubbed his nose pensively. Suddenly, he recalled something, and his expression became serious.

“If the legends you’ve heard are true, then we’ve got a troublesome situation.”

Thea asked. “What’s wrong?”

James replied, “The Sanctuary of Darkness’ first master was one of Heaven’s Adjudicators. If the Aqua Realm is related to the Heaven’s Adjudicator, then the drying up of the planet must definitely be related to the Sanctuary of Darkness.”

James’ speculation was well-founded.

Previously, he had almost wiped out the Sanctuary of Darkness. However, they would not be crushed so easily and would surely find a way to rebuild themselves. The Heaven’s Adjudicator was likely crucial to their plan.

A Heaven’s Adjudicator was an existence that transcended almost everything in the universe. Defeating a Heaven’s Adjudicator is impossible their opponent was an Ancestral God. Not even a Ninth Heaven Grand Emperor would be able to stand against them.

situation in the Aqua Realm was likely related to the Sanctuary of Darkness whose goal was

something wrong. The Aqua Realm

looked at James and said, “I’ll come

paused for a

Her strength was almost equivalent

appeared just when James, Thea, Xainte, and Nico

had also heard about the news and came

did not say

Reverend, James departed with Thea

Realm was located in a relatively remote area of the Boundless Realm. If James were to use his Saucer, it would take them at least a thousand years to reach it.

Nico’s assistance, they could greatly expedite

Realm in a very short

a void

area and

a blue planet ahead of them

hovered outside the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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