Emperor Jabari was trying to divine the area and find materials to rebuild his body.

However, the Extrapolation Path was from the Illuminated World, so its power was weakened significantly in the Dark World.

He could only estimate the rough direction of the materials and not their specific location.

He was still weak from the previous battle, and the Illuminated World’s powers were almost completely useless in the Dark World.

“James, I can only divine a rough estimation of where the materials might be. Keep going forward. I can’t tell you for how long you’ll need to keep advancing though. You’ll have to get closer to it for me to pinpoint its location.”

Emperor Jabari’s voice came from the Celestial Abode.

“Alright.” James nodded.

He turned to Nico and said, “Let’s keep going forward.”

Along the way, Emperor Jabari had to keep observing their surroundings and guiding James toward the material.

in spite of the darkness and had no idea how long had

“Turn left.”

to reality

“What happened just now?”

James was alarmed.

If not for Emperor Jabari’s voice, he would’ve continued

Dark World

took a deep breath

deeper they advanced into the Dark World, the stronger the corrosive power of the

saw thick, black mist on his hand, slowly

to heal his wounds, but his powers had little effect in the Dark

in his body was rendered useless, and he could only exert a bit of

is creeping

“At this rate, my body is going to be eroded by the

He turned toward Nico.

hand, was doing fine. His cultivation rank was much higher, and was physically much stronger. Therefore, the corrosive powers from the black mist had yet to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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