Chapter 16 

Cansington was the capital of medicine, contributing to 80% of the world’s medicine.

Here, there were pharmaceutical companies worth billions, as well as thousands of medicinal processing factories whether big or small.

Pharmacies were everywhere, whether on big roads or tucked away in small alleys.

Nine Dragons Street was a messy, complicated street in the heart of Cansington where crooks gathered.

There were antique stores, bars, pubs, and massage parlors...

At one end of the street stood a clinic.Common Clinic.Henry had found asylum here.

up a few things from him over the years.He was adept at

the mini operating table


a scary, blank

expression cracked,

hurt again.He had failed.He owed Thea so much that he would never be able to repay her this lifetime.He

the Xaviers pay in worse ways for what they did to Thea.He

me.I didn’t

her wound, causing Thea to shout.She curled up in a fetal

been stabbed.He

syringe, he jabbed Thea with it.It would keep

Thea finally relaxed.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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