Failing to find the fourth elixir fragment, James and the others returned to the Elixir Realm. When they returned, however, they realized that the Sanctuary’s forces stationed outside the Elixir Realm had already retreated.

In the void outside the Elixir Realm…

James gazed into the distance. Unable to find any trace of the Sanctuary’s forces, his expression turned grim as he said, “Why did the Sanctuary retreat?”

Nico said, “Isn’t this a good thing?”

James shook his head slightly and said, “Something’s not quite right.”

Thea thought about it and said, “Don’t overthink things. Let’s return for now.”


James nodded.

Then, the three of them entered the Elixir Realm.

hall of the Elixir Residence of the Pavilion’s Sky City, many powerful figures

“When did the

“We have been observing them closely. They retreated a few minutes before you

looked at Thea and said, “Don’t tell me that the Sanctuary has learned that the fourth fragment

nodded and said,

asked, “How did the search for the Ancestral God Rank Elixir

the events

one of them is in the Sanctuary’s hands,

Melinda the image and said, “She’s

and scrutinized the image. Then, she returned it to

looked at her and asked, “What

shook her head. She had

Sanctuary do the hard work. We just have

this, James furrowed his eyebrows. It would be nigh impossible for them to seize the Ancestral God Rank Elixir from the

heading back to my room

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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