As Thea performed the Secret Art, her body slowly faded away and disappeared to form a basketball-sized elixir.

Xandros waited outside the door.

However, he knew everything that was happening in the house.

He knew that Thea had already transformed into the last piece of the Ancestral God Rank Elixir.

Xandros walked into the room and looked at the Ancestral God Rank Elixir floating in the room.novelebook He approached and stood before it for a few minutes before finally reaching out to it.

The Ancestral God Rank Elixir floated toward him.

Xandros held onto the Ancestral God Rank Elixir. He did not stay for long and left with Jacopo in his arms.

At that moment, James had already arrived in the Elixir Realm.


He heard a massive explosion in outer space as he arrived outside the Elixir Realm.

The explosion was deafening, and a huge shock wave swept through space.

“What happened?”

James was bewildered.

was also shocked and shook his

“James, come back immediately!”

moment, a telepathic voice rang in his

voice, James knew something had happened and suspected that Heaven’s Adjudicators had arrived on



Nico followed James hastily.

quickly left the Boundless

appeared somewhere within the Three Thousand Worlds on

buildings on one of the mountains among a

were gathered in the main hall of one

was the Human Realm’s Lord,

the main hall

“Heaven’s Adjudicators have arrived. The Fourth

“Huh? So suddenly?”

startled by the news. Although he knew the Fourth Calamity would happen soon, he never expected it arrive so

last Ancestral God Rank

his hand. The Ancestral God Rank Elixir appeared before him

God Rank Elixir

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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