Someone had to shoulder the fate of the Human Race. In the past, James led the Human Race against the Four Calamities and brought about a golden age. However, the peace that was brought about was superficial. As such, he hoped that Jacopo would shoulder the responsibility.


With an unwilling look on his face, Jacopo said, “I don’t want to be the Lord of the Human Race. Why can’t Xandros continue being the Lord? He’s managing everything in order.”

James fell into deep thought.

He was contemplating whether to tell Jacopo the truth. Though Jacopo was already a Grand Emperor, he was but an immature brat in James’ eyes.

“Jacopo, things aren’t as simple as they seem. It’s complicated out there, and the Human Race needs a leader. I can’t show myself because I need to search for your mother. So, I’ll have to leave this in your hands.”

Jacopo fell silent.

you’re older. Now, all you need to do is to prepare to become the next Lord of the

he turned to leave and went searching for Henrik and Qusai, who were cultivating in the


your message to the Demon Realm. My master will send powerful figures to help you unite the Human

in, “The Fiend Race will

“Sure.” James nodded.

Human Race’s Mortal Dimension. This time, the Demon Realm sent some extremely powerful figures who had been

a Ninth Heaven Grand Emperor, who was the Grand

Rank. However, the leakage of Heaven’s secret gave him new hope. Hence, he came out of seclusion and showed up. Meanwhile, the Fiend Realm mobilized an entire army led by Qusai’s father, the Supreme Fiend Lord,

noticing their infiltration. However, he could

Mortal Dimension,

James’ falling out with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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