Very quickly, only James and Letitia remained in the Interdimensional Realm. James’ body descended from the sky. As he landed on the ground, he smilingly looked at Letitia, “All done. Now that there are only the two of us left here, we’ll be able to watch the Sacred Blossom should there be no mishaps.”

Gratitude showered Letitia’s beautiful face.

James’ display of power was getting stronger. She was very thankful that she did not take heed of her father’s words. Otherwise, she could have lost much providence and fortune.

Shish! A flash of light materialized, followed by an Elder appearing before James.

James recognized the man as the Quasi Ancestral God from before. Facing the Elder, James respectfully greeted him.

Xbalanque Darby caressed his white beard while looking at James. With a simple glance, he said, “Very impressive. While your rank isn’t high, your physical strength and Soul Power are striking.”

“That’s very kind of

Emperor’s Fifth Heaven despite having only reached the Divine Rank. James was indeed a force to be reckoned with, a figure that one only meets every ten thousand years. Generally, a person’s rank and physical strength were e equivalent to each other. Even if a person’s physical strength was slightly stronger, there would not be too big of a difference as compared to a person’s

and that compelled Xbalanque to

don’t belong to any sects or Paths. I’m merely


“Yes.” James nodded.

no longer hide his wide smile. But he immediately realized that he was acting too casually and returned to his stern face. He said with a serious tone, “The Path Sect, while not being the top sect in the universe, is still

“Hmm…” James hesitated slightly.

he said, “I promise you that once

excited that her entire body was shivering. While not the top sect in the universe, the Path Sect was one of the most powerful networks of all. Thanks to the Sacred Blossom, the Path Sect had many ties to the other sects. Once they joined, there could only be

sleeve, signaling to him to accept the invitation so he would not miss

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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