Now, James had nothing else he wished for. He only hoped to find Thea and to save Winnie who was trapped by the Heavenly Path. First, however, he needed to cross into the Macrocosm Ancestral God Rank or become the controller of the Heavenly Path. No matter which path he took, it would be extremely difficult.

James’ words made Letitia freeze. She never expected him to be a man with a story. Then, the two remained in the courtyard and waited. James continued to use Dark Power to suppress and rejuvenate the Heavenly Path’s injuries inside his body.

In the blink of an eye, the day of the Sacred Blossom’s blossoming had arrived.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

A knock came on the door.

Letitia hurriedly stood up and rushed to the door.

about to blossom. The Sect Elder sent me here to inform you that

who were able to spectate the Sacred Blossom were the elites of the elites.

“Alright, a minute please.”

Letitia turned around and called out

the two left the mountain and headed into the depths of the mountain. When they arrived at the end of the mountain, a mist appeared out of nowhere. This was

a magical scenery appeared before them. A bizarre phenomenon was occurring before their eyes in mid-air. A bud was rooted in the sky, radiating a colorful light and exuding immense power. The bud was about

seats. The Sacred Blossom will completely bloom in three months. From the blossoming to

excitedly before taking a seat. James followed

many people were brought to

surroundings. There were many people in the area, and their seats were divided into regions. The area at the front was where the Sacred Blossom could be most clearly viewed. Meanwhile, he could not completely see the Sacred Blossom from his seat. James had a profound interest in gazing upon the Sacred Blossom. He was curious to know if the Sacred Blossom would perform the

sure isn’t the best, huh.” James

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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