Chapter 3386

James’ reading speed was very fast, and he could memorize the contents of the books at a glance.

However, remembering and comprehending them were two different things.

Soon, James finished all the books. He sat in a lotus position on the floor and focused on comprehending the information. He had to comprehend the Paths to grow stronger.

All of his Ousias were close to going through another Consolidation.

The only Ousia that could absorb more energy was his Sword Path.

James absorbed the energy in the environment and continued comprehending the Sword Path.

Gradually, he fell into a trance and entered a mysterious world.

The world was separated into black and white, representing Yin and Yang.

The mysteries of both Paths were presented before him.

James’ comprehension of both Paths grew more profound. As his knowledge increased, the power of his Yin and Yang also improved significantly. It was evident he was going through another Consolidation.

It was his Yin and Yang’s second Consolidation.


their knowledge before reaching the Consolidation Stage. Some people would stay in one stage for many

the Consolidation process

was affected by

had a strong mentality, the comprehension rate of

James knew it, his Yin and Yang

not leave the Celestial Abode and continued to absorb the power from heaven and earth to improve his Sword Path

also began to

the records of many of the seniors’ comprehension of the Elemental Path, and his knowledge grew

his Elemental Ousias without any



went through a Second Consolidation, James stopped


period, he successfully reached the Quasi Emperor Rank’s Second Tribulation. Moreover, his Yin,

a hundred years had passed in the outside world, James had cultivated in the

had spent a very long time in

the Celestial Abode and

appeared, he sensed other life forces on the planet. It was not just one, but at least thirty

immediately knew they were

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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