James followed close behind, with Xosha and Karter following after him.

With these three by his side, James had nothing to be afraid of. Unless the powerful figures of the Dark World appeared, no evil spirit could harm him.

Soon, they entered the Dark World.

“Dark Matter truly is mysterious.”

Karter’s voice came, “Dark Power exuded by Dark Matter corrodes the physical body. Even a Caelum Ancestral God won’t be able to last long in the Dark World. Besides, the deeper we venture into the Dark World, the greater the corrosion.”

“Indeed,” Wystan chimed in. “The Corrosion in the most profound depths of the Dark World is beyond terrifying. Even a Caelum Ancestral God’s physical body would be obliterated in the blink of an eye.”

Xosha said, “The Lord of Nothingness once said that only Dark Matter can reshape one’s physical body to survive in the depths of the Dark World.”

three conversed

and listened to their conversation.novelebook.com The more he listened, the more he learned about the Dark World. Fortunately, his destination was only the outer perimeters of the Dark World. Even a Grand Emperor could withstand the Dark Power there. Meanwhile, the Corrosion at the outer perimeters was nothing to Caelum Ancestral Gods like Karter and the others. So, James was at ease. Besides, as

They continued venturing forward.

deeper they ventured, the more terrifying the Dark

was close to his destination, James stopped and said, “The Dark Power here is majestic

With us here guarding you, no evil spirit can even approach

James had

up a Formation. Then,

and regulated his condition. Back in the Callahans’, he absorbed the Dark Power in Sienna’s body. As such, his Dark Path had reached the peak of the Third Consolidation. Now, he was only a step away from gathering an Ousia. He

forming the Elemental Inversion Formation. Once the Formation activated, it frantically absorbed the Dark Power in the outside

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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