Pierre’s punch contained devastating strength that surpassed an Ancestral God. Even an Ancestral God with two or three Paths would find it difficult to resist the blow and could end up either severely wounded or dead.

James raised his hand at the last second, and an arcane power emerged to resist Pierre’s fist.

Pierre’s power immediately dissipated after being nullified.

“Huh?” Pierre’s expression changed to one of shock.

Before he could figure out what had happened, James had already begun to counter his attacks.

James raised his hand, summoning black mist that formed mysterious inscriptions.

The mysterious inscriptions gave off an eerie feeling.

James spoke decisively, “Die.”

As soon as his words left his lips, incredible power burst out from the black inscriptions.

were a fusion of Curse Inscriptions and Death Power. The

encased Pierre and ate away

and tried everything he could to

helpless against the combined forces of Curse Inscriptions and Death Power. He

faraway mountain and screamed frantically, “Stanley,

the mountaintop and

sensed the powerful force charging

a dangerous opponent was coming

opponent. He quickly drew upon his strength and flew into the sky to confront


palms slammed into

immediately formed in the void.novelebook.com The black hole continued to enlarge

is compelled to

Path intercepted the black hole and

His Blood Energy roiled violently and he spat out a mouthful of blood. James tried to steady himself in the sky, trying to offset the force

and had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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