Mount Snow Sect had developed for 100,000 years and was considered a powerful sect with tens of millions of disciples on this planet.

However, chaos struck and individuals from other universes sensed a Chaotic Treasure appearing in the vicinity and quickly rushed over to obtain it. To seize the Chaotic Treasure, they destroyed the Mount Snow Sect.

At that moment, Quanesha was the only survivor.


The foreign powerhouses descended from the sky and appeared outside the ruins.

They did not proceed recklessly, as they could sense a magical formation ahead of them.

After James witnessed everything, he decided to take matters into his own hands.

He practiced the Karma Path. Before the Mount Snow Sect was established, he cultivated on a nearby spiritual mountain. Therefore, he considered them his disciples.

At that moment, James disbanded the formation.

James walked out of the formation in a white robe. He looked at Quanesha kneeling outside the formation, walked over, and attempted to help her to her feet.

wrapped around her shoulders released a strong

knocked a hundred meters away and gasped

watching from the distance

the scarf was definitely a powerful

refused to

really have to go

over, and his voice resounded through

absolute law. As soon as

powerhouse shouted, “Mind your own

“James disappeared for a hundred thousand years. I wonder

seems much stronger than when he was in the

whispered, discussing James’

Quanesha and stood before her,as if to shield

backed away, hiding

hand. A mysterious inscription appeared from his palm and

the area. The destroyed buildings in the area and mountains were

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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