James had passed out after sustaining a hit to his back. However, the eight figures continued to attack him.

The severe pain caused him to regain consciousness.


His face distorted in pain, and he let out a miserable growl.

At that moment, a strong desire to survive rose in his heart.

“I can’t die! How can I go down like this? I have to bring Thea back to the future! Winnie is still waiting for me to save her as well!”

James was desperate to live.

However, his body could not bear the pain.

Just as he was about to succumb to his injuries, a miraculous change occurred in his body. It seemed as if a new door had opened in his acupoints.

The acupoints were unlocked, and a powerful force gushed through his body.

The force instantly flowed to every part of his body, and changes began to take place.

was undergoing a transformation, and

a distance and smiled upon

stopped attacking and vanished

in a

body emitted

opened, releasing

was rising

lasted for about

his own


deep breath, restrained his

said, “Thank you, Sir. Without your guidance, I wouldn’t have entered the

Path. The potential of your body has already been completely unlocked. From now onward, you won’t be able to proceed any further in the Omniscience Path. Right now,

Paths of heaven and earth are

gratefully, “I really


is profound and endless. You should keep practicing and do your best to comprehend them. I’m looking forward to our next meeting. I

then he disappeared from

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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