The Light of Acme can activate a person’s own potential and allow one to step into a higher Stage of the Omniscience Path. This was what Lord Samsong told James after reading the records of an ancient book.

As for whether this was the truth, James had no idea. But he did not have another choice either.

He stirred his mind and retrieved the Light of Acme or in the words of the bird, the Light of Death, from the Celestial Abode. The Light was immensely colorful and bright. Even if James had sealed it, the Light could still emanate a frightening level of power. This power shocked the powerful Lords who were also present.

“What is this?” Yahveh asked with a stupefied look. He could not help but exclaim, “How powerful.”

Jehudi and Yehosheva both looked at James.

Staring at the Light of Acme before him, James explained, “This is the Light of Acme, formed by the power that remained in the corpses of Acmeans. At least ten of them died in the same place to allow such a Light to form.”

said, “No wonder the power is so

he looked at the bird and asked, “What should we

but how about the bird itself? To whom should this question be posed? Though It had never made contact with the Light of Acme, it still put on a wise face and said in a deep voice, “You should absorb the Light of

not reliable. But then

seal of the Light. After this, all of them sensed the frighteningly strong power that stimulated their flesh so painfully that they had to avoid any contact with it. They reappeared somewhere far away. Even the bird

establish a target, a Ninth Stage Lord would not be able to withstand its power. That included James when he did

body’s Chaos Power just in time. With the Chaos Power’s protection, the Light of Acme could no longer harm

came from afar. “You need the Light of Acme to stimulate your body, your blood, and your bones. Now that you’re shielding yourself from the Light of Acme, there’s no point in

of Acme. How would he protect himself

only put everything in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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