However, the Sigil Formation James cast was profound and well fortified. Although the Divine Cow possessed the mighty strength of a Ninth Stage Lord, he could not break free.

The Divine Cow was furious and struggled wildly in a bid to escape. A powerful burst of energy erupted from his body. The formation that James had set up began to fall apart.

“Such power! This guy isn’t going down without a fight,” James grunted. He kept backing away and continued strengthening the formation. One layer multiplied into 10,000 layers in a mere moment.

James had instantly set up a Sigil Formation with 10,000 layers. Although the Divine Cow was powerful, he could not escape the ten-thousand-layered Sigil Formation.

James hovered outside the formation, paying close attention to the Divine Cow. He released some of his Zen into the formation and used it to thoroughly scrutinize the Divine Cow. Shortly after, information about the Divine Cow appeared in his mind. James could sense strange energy inside the Divine Cow that seemingly controlled him. The unusual power affected the Divine Cow’s Cranial Nerves and corrupted his mind. As long as they could expel the bizarre power from its body, the Divine Cow would return to normal.

James pursed his lips. The power made him uneasy as it could corrupt a monster at the Lord Rank’s Ninth Stage that

he had to proceed carefully. Otherwise, he might suffer grave consequences

force formed in his palm. The force bypassed the ten-thousand-layered Sigil Formation and went into the

the bizarre power ailing the Divine Cow. Suddenly, the malicious power inside the Divine Cow gathered

pierced through all 10,000 layers of the


through the air, causing a bottomless black hole to

after the beam of light pierced through the formation. After witnessing James’ overwhelming strength, the Divine Cow lost

him and set up another Sigil Formation. The Divine Cow’s efforts to escape were useless, and he was trapped once more. After the earlier experience, James became even more cautious. This time, he slowly prodded at the insidious power

have a consciousness

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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