“Oh yeah…”

Upon remembering something, James asked, “Is the Caelum Acme Rank the highest rank? Are there more ranks beyond that?’

As a cultivator, James knew that the cultivation path had no end. By reaching a higher rank, one would be able to advance into a more advanced world. Only then could one comprehend more about a higher rank. In the past, James thought that the Grand Emperor Rank was the pinnacle of cultivation. Then came the Ancestral God Rank and the Acme Rank, but what came after the Acme Rank? These were all unanswered questions.

As the princess of the Angel Race, one of the Ten Great Races, her understanding of the world was deeper and more comprehensive than James1. So, James posed her a question.

Leilani shook her head slightly and said, ‘To my understanding, the Caelum Acme Rank is the pinnacle. I have never heard nor read anything in the ancient texts that say otherwise.”

would be

Holes and cracks before her, she said, “Since the exterior of Planet Desolation is this terrifying

to enter the Desolate Grand Canyon anyway, we might as well

Leilani asked

smiled faintly, saying, ‘To comprehend the Formation Inscriptions here, of course. If I’m not mistaken, these Formations must be the work of the same individual.

Leilani rolled her

ago. Creatures of all kinds would have already found their way into the Desolate Grand Canyon, the secrets

is our only way, so let’s just

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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