James and Thea did not linger for long in the Chaos Space and simply returned to the Doom Realm. Soon, they arrived at the Doom Realm.

Upon their return, James bid farewell to Thea. Concerned that she would be targeted by the Doom Race or other races, Thea chose to leave the Doom Realm. Though she was formidable, she had not returned to peak form. Faced against the powerful individuals of the major races, she had no chance of winning. Besides, as this was a crucial moment, she did not want to create trouble for James. So, she left the Doom Realm alone.

When she appeared in the void outside the Doom Realm, she returned to her original appearance. Staring in the direction of the Doom Realm, she caressed her stomach as a joyful smile crept up on her face, and she murmured, “I’ll be giving you a surprise. Your son will surely grow to become a reliable man. Though he’s still a fetus, I can already sense his uniqueness. His birth will bring about great changes.”

Though the Thea in the Greater Realms was only an avatar, her will was similar to the original Thea. Now, the avatar was pregnant. Besides, the fetus had been inside her for a long time now. She had been keeping this a secret because she did not want James to be distracted.

At the same time, James had returned to Mount Doom.

were Yemima Dalibor, the owner of the mountain, and Xaviell Dalibor, Yemima’s brother. Then, there were also many disciples of Mount Doom. They were absolutely

saying, “I never thought you’d have an ace up your sleeves. You will surely emerge

to the Red Flame Realm through the front door. As such, the Dooms must have sent powerful individuals to

dress was slightly transparent, and her enticing figure captured the gaze of many. Her features were delicate and near immaculate. As she flipped her long black hair to the back, she walked toward James. The gracious movements of a stunningly beautiful woman stimulated the

stood before James and tidied up his messy clothes, saying gently, “We don’t have much time left till the

him about Thea. However, she did not bring

he put on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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