While the Death Demon and the death spirits had managed to escape, James was heavily surrounded by the Doom Race’s soldiers.

At the same time, the Spatial seal had been restored and gradually stabilized.

James had lost his time to escape. Besides the Dooms’ army, he would also have to go up against Qimat, who had achieved the Middle Stage of the Terra Acme Rank, and several other Acmeans.

‘Anyway, I have no plans of running now. If I were to do that, these guys would try to hunt down Death Demon instead,’ James thought.

Qimat was standing somewhere not too far away from James. He fixed a stony gaze at the man holding an ordinary -looking black sword, which was emanating a strange white glow.

“I’ve finally got to meet you in person. I guess I’ve made the right call this time. Even if those Heaven-Eradicating Sect members had managed to slip away, it would still be enough if I could successfully take you in.”

James flashed him a smile. “Did you guys do all these things just to lure me out of hiding?”

Qimat replied, “Of course not. We happened to receive new information on the location of the Heaven-Eradicating

here to capture the sect’s members. However, we didn’t expect to find that they were receiving the help of

still be alive today?! I am truly glad that she hasn’t fully regained her powers. Otherwise, I would’ve stood zero

surprised by the fact that Qimat knew about Thea. Thea was a prominent figure among humans ever since

one who impersonated our patriarch and acquired a token from the Cloud Race?” Qimat cast an

nodded calmly. “Yep. That

his current situation. Instead, he was silently considering

for me to get away in one piece when so many of them are trying to

using the Flame Art’s Three Fire Transformations. However, I wouldn’t be able to infiltrate the Doom Race’s base if I were to use that skill here. Moreover, I won’t be able to carry on with my other plans afterward.’


We might spare you if you

had no intention of killing James. He needed the man alive since Youri had to offer an explanation to the other races.

that this was the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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