James had analyzed in detail and concluded that the chaotic situation within the Greater Realms was highly unlikely to occur again.

Furthermore, it was not guaranteed that other races would respond even if he, as the Great Elder of the Dooms, were to initiate a battle.

Take the Angels, for example. They were well aware that he was a human but had chosen to remain silent and submissive.

James continued, “I have two plans for the next steps.”

“Go ahead,” replied Thea, walking ahead alongside Dempsey.

These discussions between James and Thea involved the entire human race and even Dempsey, as the archbishop of the Heaven-Eradicating Sect, understood that he should remain silent and listen attentively at this moment.

James continued, “I don’t know if Youri will send other living beings from the Dooms to retrieve the tokens, but it’s highly likely that I will be chosen. If I am the one sent, I will obtain the tokens from other races, along with the ones I already have, making a total often. At that point, I will secretly withdraw from the Dooms and make my way to the Cloud Race to save Soren.”

“If Youri doesn’t send me but instead chooses the Dooms’ other Overworld Outsiders, then there’s only the second

holds Soren. I’ll

leave the matters of the Greater Realms to you. Adapt as necessary, but make sure to find a way to inform me about new

priority, for now, is to instigate battles and disrupt the

dungeon while the two continued their conversation. Dempsey

was the most fearsome genius of the current era, a Thousand Paths

dungeon was fortified with multi-layered

that had been reinforced by Thea, which were transformed by

into a crucifix-like shape. His hair was

footsteps. He caught a

was James, standing outside

at Thea and inquired, ” How do you plan to handle

temple, expressing helplessness. She said, “This is indeed a troublesome situation. We

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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