
Sword Energies darted at James from various directions.

James quickly raised the Death-Celestial Sword and unleashed his own Sword Energies to parry the attacks. However, he was trapped inside Wynton’s Sword World. His opponent could summon Sword Energies simply by using his mind.

In mere seconds, thousands of Sword Energies swarmed the area and surrounded James. Although James was in his strongest form, he still struggled to survive in Wynton’s Sword World. He blocked the Sword Energies one after another, but the sheer number of Sword Energies overwhelmed him.


His body was pierced several times by the flurry of attacks, and James’ blood rained down from the sky.

Meanwhile, Wynton floated outside his Sword World, calmly watching James struggle inside it. James deftly deflected the onslaught of Sword Energies but he still missed a few. In just a short moment, he was struck several thousand times and his body was covered in wounds.

me out,

all his powers into the Death-Celestial Sword and charged into the

James’ attack was potent enough to severely injure and kill a beginning-stage Terra Acmean. However, he failed to even make a

James’ Sword Energy was helpless against it and was forced

quickly fled


Sword Energies. Wynton controlled them, directing them to

and quickly assembled

and combined them

World, Wynton pointed toward James and mumbled, “Get

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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