James had arrived at a huge mountain range. If he was in better condition and still had his Path Powers, leaving the mountain range would be easy for him.

However, he was severely wounded and his Path Powers were gone. Although he could still move relatively quickly, he could no longer cover light years of distance. Thus, it would take him some time to leave the mountain range.

James hastily made his way through the mountain range, desperately trying to find a way out. He urged whatever strength remained in his body but that caused his injuries to worsen. Unable to endure the pain, he fell to the ground and spat out blood.

He did not concede and attempted to get up once more. As he stood up, he saw an old man before him.

He looked at the old man puzzledly and asked, “Who are you?”

The Boundless Master stroked his white beard and said smilingly, “You can call me the Boundless Master.”

James’ brows furrowed, and he fell into thought. He had no recollection of a powerhouse called the Boundless Master. However, there was mention of him in Wyot’s memories.

man and said, “If I understand correctly, there used to be a powerful sect called the Boundless Sect in the

created the Blithe Omniscience

Master caressed his beard, and replied cheerily,

hope suddenly shined in James’

Human Race. It’s an honor

respond to his plea. Instead, he raised a question.

aware of the trial?” James

is similar to mine. Although he can drag me into this illusion, I can still distinguish it from the real world. I’m more than capable of breaking the illusion.

James took a deep

to the creator of the Path of Heavenly Awakening. He must be a powerhouse at the peak of the Caelum Acme Rank. If not,

to leave

need to leave Mount Boundless before a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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