Chapter 4411

His voice resounded through the Doom Race'’s land. A brief moment later, a dark, shadowy figure slowly materialized in the main hall.

“Sir Youri,” Xezal greeted the man respectfully.

Youri instructed, “I want you and Wyot to head to the Cloud Realm and meet with Soren Plamen. Tell Soren that I've killed James Caden, the promising cultivator from the Human Race, and that they've lost their only hope at starting an uprising again. Also, demand that he surrender the Blithe Omniscience if he wants to prevent the complete annihilation of the Human Race.”

“Once you have the Blithe Omniscience, kill Soren immediately.”

Xezal paused briefly. “Sir, I am tasked with the duty of guarding and protecting our homeland. I can’t possibly leave.”

Youri directed his gaze at her. “This matter directly concerns the future of the Doom Race. You must head to the Cloud Realm. Without your help, Wyot and the other cultivators might not be able to overpower and kill Soren.”

After a moment's consideration, Xezal replied, “In that case,I’ll see to your orders.”

James was slightly caught off-guard upon hearing Youri’s words. However, he did not let those emotions show on his face.

I get Soren

it’s too late for me to say anything now. I'll have to devise

you can go now.”

gave a bow. Then, he walked out of

to have their best men gather at

“Yes,” James said flatly.

idea popped into his mind

to stop killing the humans. We're to gather at the Cloud Realm to exterminate Soren. We won't be able to force James Caden out of hiding by slaughtering the insignificant masses. However, if we threaten Soren Plamen, we might be able to lure

for an eye, and a tooth for

the other races from hunting down more humans with this plan. Also, I'll be able to gather all the best fighters from the other races at the Cloud Realm. I might not be powerful enough to eliminate all of them, but I can still make them pay dearly for what they have

relay that to all the other races

of seconds, the members of the other races had received the latest instructions from the

to the Cloud Realm and publicly execute Soren to lure James Caden out

I can't sit still knowing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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