Waleria attacked the formation of the mountain range. Her power was immense, and the force emanating from her palm obliterated the celestial body. Her potent energy kept expanding, reducing everything in its path to rubble. A black palace floated in the starry expanse. This black palace seemed to be forged from black gold, emitting a dark brilliance.

“Waleria Zavee, you’ve arrived,” a voice reverberated from deep within the black palace. In the wake of the words, a beam of black light surged forth from its confines. This light converged above, coalescing into the form of a looming shadow.

Initially, Waleria did harbor a certain trepidation. After all, Yvan had inflicted severe injuries upon her and nearly succeeded in ending her life. However, as she stood before him, her residual fear seemed to wane.

Summoning a violet longsword into her hand, she aimed it at the Black Palace, her voice carrying an icy resolve. “Yvan Xorath, our previous encounter remains unresolved. Today, we will bring it to its conclusion.”

‘You do possess a knack for timing,” the shadow countered. ‘You’re well aware that I’ve not yet fully healed from my wounds. I assume you’ve chosen to come now while I’m still in the process of recuperating. But, your own strength hasn’t reached its zenith as well. Am I right?”

“Words won’t change the inevitable.” Waleria’s response was a frigid scoff. Employing her violet longsword, she channeled an ethereal manifestation of her sword intent.

surged, shattering the shadow above the Black Palace, and the

seemed to have anticipated this. She waved her hand, and an illusory palm sigil materialized, forcefully pulling the escaping Black Palace back. Once again, it materialized within the starry expanse. Gripping the violet longsword, Waleria surged forward, heading straight for the palace’s entrance, intending to slay Yvan and seize

an unsettling energy emerged, radiating from its surroundings. Within the void, a myriad of figures draped in black

sensed everything outside the world, and her expression changed drastically. She came to the realization that she had been deceived. This was all a trap set up by the Daemonium

longsword, she attempted to retreat. As she moved, mystical inscriptions emerged around the Black Palace. These inscriptions crisscrossed, forming an

understood that they were in dire straits, ensnared within the trap set by the Daemonium Sect. He materialized


of the palace, brushing against a powerful barrier formation. He tumbled from midair, landing heavily on the ground. The formation encasing the palace was unbelievably potent. Even his Blithe Omniscience could not

up from the ground, glancing at Waleria by his side. Waleria’s expression was unusually

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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