Chapter 4826 Warner’s Path Arrow was truly terrifying.

If one were to be hit by it, they would be tainted by a dreadful power, even if not immediately killed.

This force could steadily corrode the flesh and consume one’s own strength.

James tried to harness the power of the Greater Paths to suppress it, but it remained unyielding.

In that instant, he entered a state of the Omniscience Path and Battle Rank.

Radiating a white halo from head to toe, tinged with a hint of crimson, he appeared resplendent and radiant.

Even so, he could not both suppress and expel the power left by the Path Arrow within him.

In the end, James used One for All to dispel it.

“So powerful,” James exclaimed.

He was not currently using six powers.

In the Late Stage of Caelum Acme Rank, utilizing the Omniscience Path and the power of Greater Paths, James displayed considerable formidable prowess that allowed him to surpass Caelum Boundless Rank opponents.

strength was simply too terrifying, and James

streaked through the

stood in the

that instant, he utilized the Blithe Omniscience, vanishing from

battled with James, Warner was aware of his use of the Blithe

reappeared at the

remained firmly fixed on James’ aura, seamlessly

power of Greater Paths, creating numerous inscriptions that materialized in front of him, forming a protective

brilliant Path Arrow attacked the shield, causing the shield to

arrow’s power was weakened, it persisted in

Sword, and Sword

Sword Energy and the Path Arrow clashed in the void,

all the living beings who were watching the

James to be so

Warner’s defeat at the Wael’s hands, as Wael had been a renowned powerhouse for countless years and had even achieved the Chaos

Warner was no

unknown human

strong, able to contend with Warner?” “His strength must

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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