Chapter 4899 A brief while later, James slowly opened his eyes.

The inscriptions of the Dobro Eyes found deep in his orbs were glowing faintly.

James was using the opportunity to train and perfect the various skills and abilities he had picked up to this day.

After entering the Quasi Chaos Rank, James found new enlightenment in the powers of the Dobro Eyes.

The inscriptions in his eyes were swiftly changing and evolving.

Countless images were generated and reflected in his eyes every second.

James could sense how he had surpassed Saachi in terms of the mastery and potency of the Dobro Eyes’ powers.

He was deeply fascinated by the overwhelming powers of his eyes.

Soon afterward, the inscriptions in his eyes began to fade.

The images that James was seeing before his eyes slowly disappeared along with the inscription.

Then, James produced the scroll he had obtained from Byron and started reading it.

cultivation method of the Defying Heavens

learned the Sacrilegious Ascension in the

technique was a simplified version

Ascension, the cultivator had to first learn how to create small energy reservoirs in different

to combine the powers of the energy reservoirs and their own powers

have to recreate their spine by utilizing the energies

the formation of each vertebra, the cultivator would be able

the contrary, the knowledge of the Defying Heavens Art was far more difficult

cultivator a very long time and arduous effort to understand the contents of the

and experience in studying various

was able to understand the

Art was slightly different from the Sacrilegious

create microcosms that act as energy reservoirs

absorb and store the

of energy stored within the microcosms

Heavens Art would not need to destroy

would be using their own body to connect heaven

absorb the Greater Paths from the environment and use them to

seems Byron has gone easy on me during our fight back then.” After reading and understanding more about the Defying Heavens Art, James realized that

not unleash the powers stored inside the microcosms in his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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