Teresa, who had left early, had been secretly watching the battle. She was surprised that James had become so powerful and exceeded her expectations.

However, James growing stronger was part of her plan. She had worked very hard to realize every step of it.

Teresa hid her aura, and even James could not detect her. She left the Chaos Arena and appeared in an ancient place in one of the districts.

She arrived outside a mountain gate and looked at the formation ahead of her. She approached and called out, “It’s Xezal. I’m here to see you, sir!”

Her voice resounded throughout the area.

In the deepest part of the spiritual mountain, a middle-aged man sitting in a lotus position heard her voice and opened his eyes.

of dust covered his body. With a thought, the dust on his body

his hand, and Xezal was instantly teleported in

the ordinary-looking man dressed in a simple gray robe. There was nothing special

said, “It’s a pleasure to see you,

“I’ve been in seclusion for countless eons. There aren’t many left that know about

“I’m the daughter of the former Endlos Lord. Before the Ten Districts were established, my father had cultivated here under your guidance for some time. I often heard my father speak of you in

man looked at Xezal and said, “You should

said frantically, “I have something important I must discuss with

calmly, “I’ve already lost

the Extraterrestrial Demons and established the Ten Districts. You should inherit his supreme

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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