Chapter 5068 The Martial Path did not involve mysterious and arcane runes.

Instead, inscriptions and rules originated from the heavens and earth.

These inscription rules within them contained incredible power.

On the other hand, the power of the Martial Path came from within oneself.

After cultivating it, one could maximize their power when harnessing the inscription rules.

Many Paths within the heavens and the earth cannot be expressed in words.

They can only be understood through intuition.

Nevertheless, the Martial Path could be conveyed and was relatively straightforward.

However, comprehending this simplicity was as challenging as reaching the stars.

Marciais explained in great detail, sharing all the knowledge

the Endlos Void, James stood opposite

“That’s all

should not be weaker than the power of the heavens and earth.” James clasped his hands and expressed his gratitude, saying, “ Thanks for your guidance.” King Marciais walked over, draped his arm around James’ shoulder, and said, “Let’s go back for now.” Both of

this moment, there were still two epochs left until the

decided to stay temporarily at the


current focus was on elevating his mental

Path, he could not perfectly

of his meridians and bloodline, numb his brain to

the mundane world was the best place

two epochs exploring the

Martial Art at the fourteenth rank of

back mountains, James sat in a lotus

some strands obscuring his vision,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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