“For our assessment, participants are allowed to form teams and work together to solve the different tests and challenges. However, if any of your team members were eliminated at any point during the assessment, that member will instantly be disqualified from joining the Academy.

‘The assessment will be conducted in a special realm that we have prepared in advance.”

“At the beginning of our assessment, participants will face three tests. Those who pass all three tests will be accepted as the Dieux Academy’s low-ranking disciples. After that, participants who make it through the next three consecutive tests will be recognized as our regular members. Last but not least, those who complete up to the ninth test will qualify to join the Dieux Academy as our elite members.

‘There are a total of nine tests.

“However, those nine tests are merely a small part of our assessment. To be exact, the real assessment begins after you complete the nine tests.

“After completing the nine tests, participants will transfer to the Zeilor Arena and enter the Zeilor Battle to fight for the limited spots there. The team that lasts till the very end of the battle will win first place in our assessment. I’m sure all of you are already aware of the advantage that comes with that spot.”

James and the other cultivators listened to Xhemal intently as he briefly explained the rules of the assessment.

King Marciais looked at the others and grinned. “Do you guys think you can pass the nine tests?”

“We have no idea what those nine tests are. Nevertheless, we can qualify to join the Dieux Academy as long as we pass

people they can have in a team. Wouldn’t some of the teams gather all of the competent cultivators from their entire plane to join

to happen. Normally, those from the major planes would split into several teams according to the different forces or organizations they belong to. On the contrary, the smaller planes would opt to band together and gather

getting more and more excited as he listened to

have cultivators from thousands of planes gathered here for the assessment. I can’t wait for us to enter the realm and show

special realm. Those who wish

the space, a gigantic image appeared right above the

green landscapes shown in the

as the announcement was made,

Academy’s planet shot up into the

waiting on the neighboring planets also traveled

was quite an impressive sight as clusters of cultivators all headed in the

awe. ‘The number of cultivators who are participating have probably

be eliminated soon. I assure you close to ninety-nine percent of the total participants will be forced

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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