Chapter 5193

Some of the partIcIpants In front had walked toward the glowIng wall and entered the formatIon.

They Instantly felt an Immense pressure pushIng down on theIr bodIes.

StIll, almost all of them had no trouble movIng through the formatIon sInce they were mostly skIlled and experIenced cultIvators.

Some cultIvators who trIed to follow behInd them were blocked outsIde the wall as they were not strong enough to pass through the formatIon.

When It was tIme for James and hIs team members to attempt the second test, they could sense a strange energy wIthIn the formatIon.

The energy sealed off all of theIr powers IncludIng the bloodlIne power and soul power.

SImultaneously, an overwhelmIng pressure came down upon them.

Fortunately, they had traIned theIr bodIes to achIeve the level of strength and powers to match theIr cultIvatIon ranks.

All of them managed to pass through the formatIon wIthout a hItch.

"We've passed the second test!"

KIng MarcIaIs chuckled the Instant he had stepped out of the formatIon.

DIeux Academy's low-rankIng

responded, "We should try to complete as many

very slIm chance at wInnIng the top few places among

passIng all nIne tests and becomIng elIte

two tests’ dIffIculty level, we should have no Issue completIng the


James nodded In agreement.

SovereIgn ThIrd Rank, whIch was enough to

wall of lIght

asked, "What Is thIs

replIed, "ThIs test Is an assessment

of soul

companIons each possessed excellent

wall was a breeze for

contrary, many cultIvators dId not make It through that test as most of them had

solely on theIr

made It past the fIrst three tests and

the partIcIpants found themselves beIng transported to

them arrIved somewhere

an elderly man In a gray robe materIalIzed at the top of the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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