The Elysium Hall’s Master could tell James’ comrades were using potent Five Elements of Genesis, and he concluded they belonged from the Central Plane.

However, he was still slightly off the mark. In truth, James and his comrades were using Genesis Powers that were formed by combining the Genesis Paths of many different planes.

Apart from the Elysium Hall’s Master, many other powerhouses were also watching the Dieux Academy’s assessment because they had sent disciples to partake in it. The formation that Zavis, Gaius, Gurgen, and Taran used left them confused.

Many of them were lords of ninth-level planes and had cultivated their plane’s Genesis Path. A plane’s Genesis Path consisted of many Genesis Powers, including the Five Elements of Genesis. Thus, they could sense that the Five

Elements of Genesis used by James’ companions were profound. Even though they had already mastered their respective plane’s Genesis Paths, they could not completely understand their Genesis Powers.

James, who was inside the Arena World, knew their actions would draw a lot of attention. However, he was not worried since he had already devised a countermeasure.

Soon, James’ group left the spiritual mountain and headed to their next destination.

eliminated from the Arena World. However, there were a few who had already given up and

In the sky, a few words were hovering above


of the Dieux Academy. He’s already at the Martial Celestial Rank’s

who’s currently in control of

participants gathered in the distance, discussing

lotus position at the mountain’s peak, with

“Sir, they’ve arrived.”

man opened his eyes and looked

the Arena World, and many eyes

he came from a seventh-level plane. Surprisingly, he was not from a powerful background. He relied on his own strength to become a Plane Lord and make a name for his plane. He was currently at

and a dozen at the Sovereign Fifth Rank. Additionally, there were many powerhouses between the Sovereign First to Fourth

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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