Mountains, the land, and everything in this world were constructed from inscriptions. These inscriptions exuded a bone-chilling cold that made even James shiver. It was as if he had entered this world, or perhaps he had visualized it in his mind, or it could be that, in his understanding of the Glaciem Race’s primitive inscriptions, he had touched upon the ultimate Ice Curse.

The Ice Curse was the highest wisdom of the Glaciem Race’s primitive inscriptions. To comprehend it, one had to thoroughly understand the Glaciem Race’s primitive inscriptions. In his previous life, James had already grasped most of the Glaciem Race’s primitive inscriptions and had about ten percent comprehension of the Ice Curse.

Now, he was immersed in comprehending the Path. Lemuel and Latrusse had been waiting within the tomb for an epoch, but James had experienced a significant amount of time within the time formation.

At this point, James’ body surface began to freeze. It was a peculiar type of ice, seeming like inscriptions, ice blocks, or some mysterious force.

“This brat is truly exceptional,” Latrusse could not help but praise as he saw James in this state. “His current state indicates that he might have touched upon the core secrets of the Ice Curse. It may not be long before he fully comprehends it.”

and asked, “How does he compare to the genius powerhouses of those

the Glaciem Race, only a few could truly grasp the core secrets. They were among the top Primeval Races, second only to the Four Ancient Races from the Dark World. Now, there are countless talented powerhouses among the Primeval Races. Yet, when it comes to comprehension ability, James remains one of the very few. However, merely grasping the supreme secret of one Primeval Race isn’t remarkable. As far as I know, among the Dark Ancient Race today, there are super

powerhouses from the Primeval Races. However, he lacked in

further comments since his knowledge was limited to countless planes and the Central Plane. He had no information

ask, “Is the Dark

in Latrusse’s expression. ‘The Four Ancient Races from the Dark World

Rank among the Four Ancient Races from the Dark World?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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