Chapter 5313

Sigge moved the next instant.He teleported and reappeared before James.

The man balled his fist and slammed it down onto James’ head forcefully.

The gusts of wind generated by Sigge’s movements even made cracks in the sturdy walls of the collapsible space.

Sigge’s fist was only a few centimeters away from James’ head when James vanished from the spot.

He had re- emerged several meters away.

Boom! The immense force generated from Sigge’s attack made a large indent and multiple cracks on the floor.

Sigge spotted James’ location and teleported toward him right away.

Both of them held up their fists and threw a punch at each other simultaneously.

Boom! A deafening sound reverberated through the space as James’ and Sigge’s powers collided.

James was thrown backward in the air.

At the same time, he felt a vicious energy affecting his entire body.

his powers in time, and he coughed up a mouthful of blood

"He’s quite strong."

surprised by Sigge’s

opponent was only a Sovereign Sixth

not aware of was that the Yefteros

select opponents whose

Sigge teleported and came up close to

James could react, Sigge had started throwing heavy

unleashed the highest amount of Martial Path Power he could generate and activated

circulating in his body, James managed to

Blithe Omniscience and appeared next to Sigge this

swift attack at Sigge and annihilated

abilities superior to the

not stand a chance against James when the latter

exterminated, the items offered by the Yefteros and those who bet

few tricks

Latrusse curled his lips.

match, Latrusse would be able to retrieve the

also won items of equal value

the Yefteros provided items that were of similar value to James’ now bigger prize

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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