Zeno explained, “I read about ancient beasts in some old books of the Heavenly Secrets Pavilion. It’s rumored the Dark World’s various races were born from the Ancestral Site. It’s also said our various primitive inscriptions also originated from the Ancestral Site.

“Everything of the Dark World originates from the Ancestral Site. Of course, the outside planes included.

“The outside planes were separated from the Dark World because the Ancestral Site was shattered. The Ancestral Site’s energy and Law of Heaven were broken apart, eventually forming into countless planes. It’s the reason why each plane has a different Genesis Path. These Genesis Paths are shards of the Ancient Site’s Law of Heaven.”

“Alright, cut to the chase,” James said impatiently.

Zeno continued, saying, “When the Ancestral Site was still intact, every once in a while, it would create a new race. To be more precise, it would produce Primogenitors. After some time, these Primogenitors would reproduce and eventually form a race of its own.

“Just now, I overheard some people outside the city saying that an ancient beast has appeared in the Dunhamvale World.

“Ancient beasts are the Primogenitors of a new race.

target these ancient beasts and capture them. If the ancient beast were strong, they would train them into

Ancestral Site had already been destroyed and had no value. How is

You two wait here. I’ll go

speaking, Zeno stood up and left

the living room. They looked at each other silently. Suddenly, Thea felt

lowered her head and murmured, “Why are you looking

heard your body is like a vessel and can accommodate all kinds of energy. If I spend time with you, then I’ll be able to absorb the energy in your

James reached out and pulled Thea into his arms. He

go inside the room. Don’t forget to set up a formation.” Thea wrapped her arms around James’

Then, he

with each other for a long time on their bed. While being intimate, James’ power kept growing stronger. His improvement speed was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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