From what James knew, there were no powerhouses at the Holy Celestial Rank within the Central Plane’s major forces.

The strongest powerhouse known was only at the Martial Celestial Rank’s Consummation.

Thus, James was confident he could handle matters in the Cental Plane.

He had not paid attention to the powerhouses in the Central Plane for a while, so he was unaware if anyone had entered the Holy Celestial Rank.

However, it did not shake his confidence.

He was only at the Great Celestial Rank’s Consummation but could easily kill opponents at the Holy Celestial Rank.

After spreading the word about wanting to take revenge, James went into hiding on a spiritual mountain.

He sat in a lotus position at the apex.

Standing beside him were Quattro, Qiyana, Qairo, and Jada.

His companions were waiting for him to take action.

James sat down and rested.

At the same time, he tried to make a breakthrough in his cultivation rank.

Unfortunately, he had reached a bottleneck and could not improve any further.

needed more experience, or even to engage in more battles, to enter the

some time, James


and replied, “I have a

or more precisely, all of the

go to the Elysium Hall, seize control, and

unaware that James had

none of the disciples knew James was acquainted with

senior authorities had suspicions, but James did not care if they already figured

against the enemies of his past

his demise, and it seemed unreasonable for him to take action against the Elysium

with the Elysium Hall because he wanted to rectify the


his eyes and said, “I didn’t ask you to go

only need to defeat the Elysium

Martial Celestial Rank’s peak and has

his cultivation rank since it’s already been such a long

to you, right?” “Of course!” Quattro replied confidently, “Don't you know who

Hall is nothing to

even exterminate a race from the Dark

waved his hand and


depart to the Supremusseum.” Quattro answered excitedly, “Okay! Finally, it’s time to have fun and show off my skills.” After speaking, Quattro quickly left

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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