Soul Halls were significant places.

Each race had a Soul Hall, and the Yefteros were no exception.

Inside these Soul Halls were the soul lamps of important members.

These soul lamps were made with a trace of each member's Soul Power.

Once one’s soul was destroyed, one’s soul lamp would extinguish.

Saint Yui’s soul lamp was placed in an important area of the Yefteros’ Soul Hall.

Suddenly, the soul lamp flickered.

At that moment, a disciple guarding the Soul Hall turned pale with fear and scrambled toward the Yefteros’ main hall.

“T-There’s bad news! Horrible news!” The disciple rushed into the hall and stumbled a few times.

Yefteros’ Leader, sat in the

immediately darkened, and he asked, “ What’s the matter?” “S-Sir! I-It’s Saint Yui’s soul lamp! It extinguished!” “What?!”

next moment, he appeared

Yefteros’ Great Elder, Halianor, and

lit inside the Soul Hall except the one belonging to

“Ah!!!” Hacathra roared.

Who was it?!!” Halianor and the other elders were silent with

knew how strong Yui


mastered many Supernatural Powers and even their race's Tethralis

the Holy Celestial Rank’s middle

the Tethralis Art, his combat strength was almost

could even kill him? “Whoever it was, I want him dead!

and said, “This is a crucial

as possible.” “Let's discuss in the main hall,” Hacathra ordered, then returned to their

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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