The first to merge with the Central Plane was a ninth-level plane.

James knew he must merge the Central Plane and the ninthlevel plane’s Genesis Paths. Only by doing so could he successfully fuse the two planes.

At that moment, James activated the ninth-level plane’s Genesis Path and merged it with the Central Plane’s Genesis Path.

He could even fuse the Elemental Primevals’ primitive inscriptions. Thus, merging the two Genesis Paths was relatively easy.

As the Genesis Paths merged, the two planes gradually began to connect.

However, the backlash also grew stronger.

James forcibly endured the intense pressure.

potent aura came from the plane. Then, a powerhouse

the plane would mean losing his title as

could even respond, Quattro knocked

ignored them and continued

Xeraiah were not idle either. Their task was to watch the Dark World and prevent its powerhouses from intervening. At the same time, they had to help

merging the two planes, James sustained some backlash. However, he was still able to endure it. Thus, there was no need for

stood outside

do you think about the world that will born after the countless planes

core pieces from the Ancestral Site. No matter how strong this new world is, it won’t compare to the Ancestral Site.” Xeraiah said thoughtfully, “The current Prison World is the former Ancestral Site’s ruins. After James merges the countless planes with the Central Plane, then

the Ancestral Site?” Qairo

the Ancestral Site was a legend that existed only in ancient books. It was destroyed a long time ago. If it were restored,

Xeraiah were looking forward to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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