James had finally found the combination of inscriptions that could destroy the Obsidian Body’s inscriptions after countless attempts.

As long as he could hit Xayvion with this attack, James could instantly break Xayvion’s Obsidian Body in their next battle.

Then, he turned his gaze toward Hershya.

Hershya was emanating a powerful and mysterious aura as numerous inscriptions floated around her seated form.

“I wonder if she’s managed to master the inscriptions?” James muttered to himself.

James moved out of the time formation to check the formation that was set up to collect the entry inscriptions. Then, he found that they had gathered enough inscriptions to enter the holy site.

‘That should be enough.”

James put away the entry inscriptions securely and undid the time formation.

Just then, Hershya had ended her training.

mastered the Human Race’s

James asked.

them. The more I study these inscriptions, the more amazed I am about the intricacies of our people’s primitive inscriptions.” “Take your time with it. For

“Mhm.” Hershya nodded.

to?” Hershya replied, “Actually, all nine worlds of the holy site exist in the same realm. All of

“Humans came to exist in all areas within the holy site. From what I recall, the man in

walked over to the teleportation

the entry inscriptions and tossed them into the formation. The teleportation formation was

stepped into the formation, the pair were transported into the

the new realm, James could feel an immense spatial pressure around him. Yet, Hershya

you feel the spatial pressure here? Even Landry, the Hagios Sect’s leader, said he could

spatial pressure. I was born in the ancestral site. This realm would not try to repel any beings born within this space. Therefore, we

powers and cultivation rank, James was not strong enough to withstand

conjured the inscriptions of the Obsidian Body. As those inscriptions stuck to James’ skin and formed a layer over his body, James finally felt as though he could breathe

and Hershya set out for the central

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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