James wanted to verify whether Xayal created the so-called Ritual Rank. He was also curious to find out the white-robed man’s name. He asked, “May I ask for your name, sir?

The man smiled and replied, “My real name is Xzavion Bentley. However, I usually go by Falcon Xoan in the cultivation world.”

“Is Xayal the creator of the Ritual Rank?”

“Yes, but not really,” said Xzavion.

“What do you mean?” James was puzzled.

Xzavion explained, “The Ritual Rank exists to give back to the world. If one obtains many boons, then one won’t directly enter the Transcendental Bliss Rank. Instead, one would enter the Ritual Rank. After entering the Ritual Rank, one will return everything to the world.”

James asked, “So basically, I’ll be swallowed by the Dark World and eventually perish?”

Xzavion nodded, then elaborated, ‘Yes. It’s difficult for Xayal to collect enough energy from the Dark World. After entering the Ritual Rank, you’ll perish and become one with the Dark World. Then, Xayal will absorb your energy.”

a few powerhouses have entered

formation. Once a living being at the Ritual Rank perishes, the energy won’t return to the Dark World. Instead, he

furrowed. Then, he proceeded to

Ritual Rank ever made it to the Transcendental Bliss Rank? Was anyone ever able

Xzavion shook his head.

absorbed by him.” James asked, “How can I change

James felt slightly relieved by Xzavion’s answer. He would have a chance if there were a

it’s not going to be easy. You must

asked, “What

out an ancient book, and it flew

Take it, and carefully read through


Xzavion disappeared from

flipped open the book and read through the pages. After seeing the contents recorded inside the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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