Quattro frowned and asked, “What kind of place is this? Why are there so many graves?” James shook his head.

1 Quattro frowned and asked, “What kind of place is this? Why are there so many graves?” James shook his head.

1 Xzavion was also clueless.

He had very little knowledge about the Genesis Worlds and was unsure of what kind of place they had entered.

“Let’s keep going and take a look,” said James.

The group walked deeper into the Tomb World.

The Tomb World was big and not weaker than the world of the Dark World’s races.

However, it only had densely packed graves with building-sized tombstones.

Strangely enough, the graves had been dug up.

It seemed that tomb robbers had stolen all the treasures buried with the deceased.

Stephen suddenly stopped and said, “There are other living beings » James also sensed sensed them.

In front of them were several figures quickly moving forward.

James’ group at that moment

James’ group was located.” Swoosh! The moment they stopped, one of

wave of energy swept toward

Stephen shouted anxiously,

aura and waved

at the wave of

loud rumbling sound spread throughout

collision of the two forces created a potent shock wave,

World’s space was relatively

Stephen had taken action, it


their opponents were strong, the group quickly

back.” Stephen’s face darkened, and he summoned

were trapped and dragged in

They had human appearances.

bodies fell in front of James’

us!” The creatures immediately begged for

at them and discovered they were

they were

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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