At this moment, moved by the bond of brotherhood, Yegor extended a helping hand to Perthacus and the Marciais Pavilion by inviting them to join the Righteous Alliance.

Later on, the Righteous Alliance gradually saw major forces acting independently due to internal disagreements, such as the Yaquis Sect, the Javerigh Sect, the Skynet, and the Tempestara.

This led to the demise of the alliance.

During this time, the staunch believers within the Righteous Alliance covertly formed another alliance, naming it the Timaeus Sect.

The Righteous Alliance was also influenced by compromises and pushes from various forces.

It became a shell alliance that stood above major powers but had no real control or restraint over them.

The Marcials Pavilion led by Perthacus transformed into Mount Martialis among the seven peaks after the establishment of the Timaeus Sect.

After listening to Perthacus' story, James had already begun calculating in his mind.

It seemed that Perthacus was once a member of the Dark Alliance, and perhaps even an admirer of Franciscus.

situation was unclear, and James harbored doubts about what Perthacus had just

moment, revealing his cards

that Perthacus and Mount Martialis could be useful

this through, James patted Perthacus


is an adopted child, not a

at the bottom among the seven peaks." Listening to James' provocative words, Perthacus shrugged off James'

spit it out." "I just want to know two things," James asked and rubbed his

star levels assessed? Second, what is the current highest star level?"

position of the number one sect?" James smiled without confirming

case, I'll tell you," Perthacus sighed

has eight stars, also known

and can cultivate

cultivation strength and disciple numbers,

the core of the Timaeus Sect and holds an area of the Great Genesis World." "Ranked second

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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