"How about it? Are you scared to gamble?" James began to use provocation.

"You’re really audacious!" Perthacus pointed at James.

"This is not a small wager, and your ambition is not small either.

What are you going to use to fulfill the bet if you lose?” "My life?" James scoffed, saying, "Is my life acceptable?" "Piss off!" Perthacus pushed James away impatiently.

"Who wants your life? Let's talk about something practical." James rubbed his chin and thought carefully.

This was a rare opportunity.

Although Mount Mart i al is was currently the weakest among the seven peaks of the Timaeus Sect, and could not compare to the top six, it was still a vassal of the Timaeus Sect.

If he could really control Mount Martialis and become its Peak Master, then going to Mount One would be legitimate in the future, and it greatly increased his chances of meeting Thea.

At the same time, using the identity of the Mount Martialis' Peak Master, he could rely on the Timaeus Sect and possess the capital and possibility of stirring up internal strife within the Righteous Alliance.

Once there was internal chaos within the alliance, their plots and blockades against the Dark Genesis World would loosen and even disintegrate.

By then, opening a secret passage from the Dark Genesis World to the Three Thousand Great Genesis Worlds would become feasible, allowing the living beings of the Dark Genesis World to reach higher levels of cultivation base and access abundant cultivation resources.

two purposes, he had to come up with a

turned, and he looked at

have you heard of the Marciais Combat Form?" At these words, Perthacus was


want to use that as a bet?” "Yep!" James nodded with

and will even throw in teaching you how to master it." Perthacus took a sharp breath, and his gaze towards James

Combat Form was a legendary supreme

even older than

and could be considered as

engage in cross -realm battles even

higher the form, the higher the realm

ancient Supernatural Supremusse Power and mysterious power were the

the Timaeus Sect,

dared to use it as a



the Marcials Combat Form is a power even more

can encounter but not seek."

they’d wish to hide

want to use it as a bet?" "Mr. Wulte, being able to say such words shows your honesty."

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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