Chapter 6093

Before James could give his next command, the awakened Xachary lifted his hand and conjured thousands of huge swords emanating a gold glow in the air.

Those swords generated an immense amount of sword energy and blasted it at those nine evil spirits, tearing them to bits in an instant.

James' eyes bulged with shock as he coughed up blood the next instant.

The man before him was more powerful than Rebella by folds even though they were both on the same cultivation rank.

Suddenly, James detected a terrifying amount of Qrohm washing over him.

Xachary was rushing toward James at full speed. Those magnificent swords followed closely behind him.

James snapped to his senses instantly. He quickly hurled the Quasar Lightning and Galeat Wind in Xachary's direction.

For a moment, Xachary and his swords were held back by the repeating attacks of the Quasar Lightning and the strong Galeat Wind.

James spotted an opening and generated an attack.

from James' curse magic, the Quasar Lightning, Wraithflames, and Galeat

dragon let out a deep

the violet-gold dragon exploded as soon as Xachary directed his sword energy

on the upper grade of

raised his fist and channeled the Genesis Power to his

at Xachary. The force of the attack sent Xachary flying backward

same time, the other Xachary back at the Timaeus Sect opened his eyes and spat

was slightly taken aback. However, he did not find anything

the Yuraeceon Genesis Bell

Boom! Boom! Boom!

a gray glow as it got hit by

James transmitted his voice to Lesia. "Do you have any

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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