Atop a mountain peak, in a mysterious restricted area within Skynet Headquarters...

In the void, a cluster of purple-pink clouds gathered, followed by a dark aura descending and transforming into Lady Jacinth clad in red robes.

Looking at Yegor seated in a lotus position, enveloped in a righteous aura, her beautiful face filled with amusement but showing no signs of action.

At that moment, a man and a woman suddenly charged out from either side of Yegor, launching an attack on Lady Jacinth with lightning-like speed.

In an instant, the three engaged in a fierce battle, their figures intertwining as they soared into the void.

The Genesis Power surged wildly, winds howled, and the earth shook as the surroundings changed color.

Meanwhile, Yegor remained unmoved, allowing the Sword Energy and Genesis Power to swirl around him without hurting him in the slightest.

After tens of thousands of rounds of intense combat, the man and woman were evenly matched with Lady Jacinth.

However, Lady Jacinth was swiftly grabbed by a large golden hand reaching up from the ground just as she faced millions of giant swords swarming toward her.

Then, millions of giant swords swept across the void where Lady Jacinth had just been, generating a fierce wind that destroyed everything in its path.

As Lady Jacinth landed on the ground, witnessing this scene, she could not help but exclaim, "Such powerful righteous aura." Next, the man and woman quickly descended, wielding a black and a white longsword, surrounding Lady Jacinth from front and back.

'The mysterious Celestial Sages are indeed formidable," smirked Lady Jacinth.

"Given the chance, I'd love to have a good fight with you." The Celestial Sages remained silent.

At this moment, Yegor, sitting in a lotus position, chuckled lightly." Mischievous little girl, you have caused trouble for the Timaeus Sect, and now you're bothering my Skynet?" "I dare not!" Lady Jacinth smiled coquettishly, bowing to Yegor." Congratulations on mastering the righteous aura, Saint Yegor." "You can be polite sometimes?" Yegor could not help but chuckle.

'You're the first one who doesn't call me a dark demon among the Lords of the Orthodox." Lady Jacinth raised her head.

can't fake a

not like those hypocrites Xachary and

raised his hand, enveloping Lady Jacinth in a

the aura, Lady Jacinth did not resist but instead felt an unprecedented

strands of righteous aura onto her,

aura on her body was

is truly magical!" 'Your injuries are

now." "Aren't you asking for something in

ruefully, "With only your cultivation base left, what could you give?" "Don't be so

something, anything, and I can get it

favors." "I don't want things stolen or plundered." Yegor

for a moment,

tell you some big news, perhaps it'll be useful to

doomed." Lady Jacinth stared at

the Quasi Daelcon Rank."

Timaeus Sect will definitely be plunged into a struggle

time comes..." "I know that too."

a bit of

give you some news, and you pretend

favor, right?" Yegor

say it." Lady Jacinth waved

I can go anywhere to get it for you." "I want you to clean up your act." Yegor smiled

let’s go."

I'm willing to help, I never expected

Looking at Yegor, Lady Jacinth

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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