Chapter 6157

James looked up in the direction where he could sense the source of the Qrohm.

Coincidentally, he spotted Lyla and Rebella falling from the sky after they were each struck by a mysterious gray energy.

The gray energies then formed two large hands to catch Lyla and Rebella.

James teleported immediately and reappeared a few steps away from Lyla and Rebella.

He conjured the Yuraeceon Genesis Bell around the ladies to shield them from the hands.

Then, James transformed into the sword form and cut through those gigantic hands, shattering them in an instant.

“It seems the lustus Sect has a member who’s a superb cultivator." James scoffed.

He raised his hand and conjured two black dragons made out of multiple curse inscriptions.

The pair of dragons flew toward where the sound came from.

Before they could fly higher, a gray energy fell from the sky and struck the black dragons.

As the dragons disintegrated into the black curse inscriptions, some of those inscriptions fell on the lustus Sect’s members who levitated nearby in mid-air.

Those men fell from the sky, groaning in pain.

“How ominous...Someone has managed to recreate you know who’s curse magic."

The voice reverberated through the air.

Hundreds of shadow clones materialized around James and started attacking him.

James let out a roar as a bright gray light shone from his Ultimate Golden Body.

He activated the Third Marciais Combat Form at once.

Then, James stretched his arms and released numerous black and gold sword energies, which deflected all of the shadow clones’ attacks.

James began spinning quickly in the air.

seconds, Quasar Tribulation Clouds appeared

there as they were hit

himself, “How astonishing!

then, James unleashed millions of black and gold

clones were annihilated

energies headed for the lustus Sect’s members who were watching James from a

destroyed all

seen a Yuraeceon Daelm Rank’s Eighth Tribulation cultivator whose

the chance to crush

gray energy shot toward James

both palms forward and generated a blast that carried three types

could be seen in the

both powers

to that of the mysterious

was feeling quite nervous as he watched

ladies materialized next to James and

ice needles were

was powerful enough to hold up

a Quasi Daelcon

transmitted her voice to the

“I forgot about it,"

have a grand patriarch who’s in the Quasi Daelcon


shown himself, yet we can barely

cultivator’s voice rang out

Sect.Therefore, I had no choice but to interfere in the battle

willing to surrender and join our sect, I will stop


not even bother finding out what happened before you tried to stop us.How do you expect us to

Very well! I'll exterminate

gray energy appeared in the

dark palms formed from the gray energy and came down aiming

conjured the Yuraeceon Genesis Bell over him, Rebella,

light was created as the strange-looking palms struck the Yuraeceon Genesis

“Let's see if

from the gray energy, and all of the light beams landed on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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