“Soon, more from the Dark World will pass through the passage to enter the Forladtt Land.” Suddenly, James turned around and kicked Hetsema, who was looking in a specific direction, in the ass.

Hetsema fell to the ground with a loud bang.

James said angrily, “What are you looking over there for? That’s the Ancient Genesis World.

I haven’t conquered it yet.

Hetsema groaned and quickly got up from the ground.

He gave James a thumbs up and complimented, “You're amazing, Dad! How about handing the Sanctum Genesis World to me? I’ll guard the passage.” James’ other children immediately frowned at his remark.

Maxine said coldly, “What’re you thinking? Do you not have any idea what your cultivation rank is right now? How are you qualified to be the lord of a Genesis World?” Winnie sighed and said, “That's right.

Didn’t you hear what Dad said? There are countless Great and Micro Genesis Worlds.

the Yuraeceon Daelm Rank.” Hetsema approached James

grant the Xyndaros Genesis World first? I'll use the cultivation

be able to reach the Yuraeceon

that happens, the Jademora Empire will have yet another

haven’t even proved

forgotten the conditions Dad had for us? We'll have to rely on ourselves to improve.” Hetsema

could see right through Hetsema’s

rebellious son

those stronger

care about

simply could not be disciplined, nor

about the Genesis Worlds first, Dad.” Seeing the

him with a smile, then began explaining the layout of the

them about

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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