An epoch ago, Quattro led many Dark Beings to the nearby area to hunt monsters.

However, they were ambushed by Javerigh Sect.

Taken by surprise, they were defeated and captured.

From Quattro’s words, James learned major forces had been capturing Dark Beings and slaughtering them under Tai Chi's Execution Order.

However, the captured Dark Beings were not killed immediately.

Instead, they were sacrificed to fight the other forces for various Genesis Regions.

Those who refused or disobeyed were slaughtered without mercy.

Fortunately, the Demon Dungeon had not been attacked by major forces because of Skynet’s protection.

Otherwise, even more Dark Beings would be brutally murdered.

James could not bear to blame Quattro after hearing his story and seeing his whole body covered in injuries.

After pondering for a while, he suddenly asked, “What other famous powerhouses are already out of the Dark World?” Quattro looked at James and said, “Speaking of which, something strange happened.

Beings to the Forladtt Land, the subsequent

Stephen were nowhere

an abnormal divine light appeared at the edge of the Dark World’s Ancestral Genesis World, called

Region? I’ve never heard of such a place before.” Quattro said hurriedly, “After the Ancestral Genesis World

you come to the Dark

stop wasting

the tens of thousands of Dark Beings, and they immediately freed them from

Beings stood up and

to the Demon Dungeon, then travel

to the Dark World, so inform the others when you return.” After a momentary pause, Quattro bowed and accepted

thousands of

he had changed and was no longer the arrogant

shouted, “Let’s go.” The next moment,


buzzing sound erupted, and evil power emerged from the mysterious formation around

emitted a brilliant light, bursting

powers enveloped Thea and James, then

lightsabers permeated

Clayton strolled

he reached the edge of the formation, he raised his hand, and the formation immediately tore

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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