The scene before them had changed in the blink of an eye.

It happened so quickly that James could not even process what was happening.

Soon enough, the terrifying Maricias Power brought them to the ground.

At that moment, James could finally make out his surroundings.

They were in a vast secret room.

Above them were countless dazzling stars illuminating the sky.

Meanwhile, white mists billowed from the ground.

The walls around them emitted a golden glow, and complicated inscriptions were engraved all over them.

“This is the first step to obtaining your great fortune.” James frowned and asked, “Are these inscriptions from the Dark World? Doesn’t seem like it.

of them.”

doubtfully and asked, “If even you don't know them, how are you supposed to guide me?” Yrian

you can advance to acquire the next boon.” James was

just looking at them, so how will I decipher them?’ He put his hands behind his back and

Dawnblaze Form, Xeme Supreme Sutra and Chaos Yin-Yang Eyes?” Hearing James read out a few of the inscriptions, Yrian said surprisedly, “At least you recognize a few!” James

out a wine gourd,

be of much help.”


are essential foundations for the highest level of the Marciais Combat

any formation, time, distance, karma and tribulation restrictions.” James was

Dawnblaze Form?” Lesia replied, “You should focus on the Terrastride

by the founder

you master it, you’ll be able

hearing Lesia’s advice, James began to study the

completely unable to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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