Before James could say anything, Biefren lifted his hands and pushed his palms forward in the direction of the cauldron.

The blazing fire heating the cauldron changed from the color red to purple.

The blue liquid inside turned into a shade of purplish- blue.

Blue vapor rose from the cauldron as the temperature of the liquid increased steadily.

James knitted his brows.

“Mr. Biefren, what are you...” At that moment, Biefren opened his mouth.

Acore glowing with a purplish-gold light came out of his mouth.

It was as big as the size of a fist.

“Mr. Biefren!” James shouted anxiously, “I don’t need to learn the Chaos Yin-Yang Eyes if this is the only way to do it!” James rushed forward to stop Biefren, but he was shoved backward by a burst of reddish-blue power.

James steadied himself in the distance and coughed up some blood.

He was caught off guard by the immense force.

Biefren had dumped the purplish-gold

“Mr. Biefren, there are other

melted as soon as it fell into the boiling

purplish-blue liquid turned into a reddish-blue

could be seen swirling in

seven colors shot up into the air and

force spread

their tracks as they sensed the

on the tree branches or

which included various phoenixes and vermillion

spirit beasts and other

bodies mysteriously levitated

located thousands of light years away, Yukha lifted her gaze and noticed

heaved a deep

to collect all Chaos Yin-Yang Powers so quickly?” Beside her, the


called out desperately and dropped to

had a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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