Chapter 6403

Yrian looked at James, who had fallen silent.

Then, he took a deep breath and said, “You have to learn to make sacrifices.

Otherwise, it would be detrimental to your cultivation path."

James frowned and asked, "Sacrifices? What do you mean specifically?"

Taken aback, Yrian parted his lips to answer but swallowed his words.

James glared at Yrian and asked coldly, “Are you asking me to forget my promise to fulfill Biefren’s dying wish and forsake the Spirit Beast Clan so you can use them as cultivation resources? Is that what you mean by sacrifices?"

Yrian raised his head and took a deep breath.

He knew James regarded the Ying World’s powerhouses as despicable people after Biefren had died.

At that moment, they were in a tough spot.

He felt the misunderstanding was too much for him to resolve, and explaining would only be counterproductive.

Hence, he decided to let the Grand Patriarch handle it.

At that moment, Zenithal returned with Xyril.

Zenithal suddenly shouted, “Kneel."

After being confused briefly, Xyrll reluctantly obeyed her order.

“What's this for?"

James was puzzled.

Xryll said solemnly, “Please consider my husband's sacrifice and accept my rebellious son, My Lord."

“You want me to accept him as a disciple?"

James frowned."

Zenithal bowed and said, “No, that’s too much for me to ask.

It would already be a great blessing and honor for him to be a pet under you, My Lord.

Please take him in."


good! It'll be a good enough reward for Biefren’s

his head and said, “He can become

want a

was hesitant to respond

and looked

his mother never expected James

him and asked, “Would you

stunned by his question but quickly responded by silently

supported him

looked at Zenithal and asked, “Are

nodded and answered, “Of

and quickly teleported

“Xyrll has developed

him as a disciple might not be

and asked, “Then you think I should kill him and end

asked slowly, “Must I

Yrian sighed, “Not necessarily.

will bring you to see the Grand

asked meaningfully, “Can't you take me

shook his head with a helpless


To be blunt, you're just scared

probably already offended her after

I'd have to suffer a few injuries.’ James was clear about

basically at the Yuraeceon

that, he had

would be almost unmatched in the Genesis Worlds if

if he encountered a powerhouse like Yukha, he would have a hard time, and his

strength, it was still not the right time to return

and said smilingly, “It’s just a misunderstanding and

don’t we go

and then immediately

World's void, James released his Zen

outside were surrounded and

amongst the Dark Beings

them were considered weak in the Ying World, their strength


as they entered the Ying World, they

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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